span across the ports 512
, 513
, and 514
and are only accessible through a suite of programs known as r-commands
The R-commands suite consists of the following programs:
- rcp (
remote copy
) - rexec (
remote execution
) - rlogin (
remote login
) - rsh (
remote shell
) - rstat
- ruptime
- rwho (
remote who
Command | Service Daemon | Port | Transport Protocol | Description |
rcp |
rshd |
514 | TCP | Copy a file or directory bidirectionally from the local system to the remote system (or vice versa) or from one remote system to another. It works like the cp command on Linux but provides no warning to the user for overwriting existing files on a system . |
rsh |
rshd |
514 | TCP | Opens a shell on a remote machine without a login procedure. Relies upon the trusted entries in the /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts files for validation. |
rexec |
rexecd |
512 | TCP | Enables a user to run shell commands on a remote machine. Requires authentication through the use of a username and password through an unencrypted network socket. Authentication is overridden by the trusted entries in the /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts files. |
rlogin |
rlogind |
513 | TCP | Enables a user to log in to a remote host over the network. It works similarly to telnet but can only connect to Unix-like hosts. Authentication is overridden by the trusted entries in the /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts files. |
cat /etc/hosts.equiv
# <hostname> <local username>
pwnbox cry0l1t3
Scanning for R-Services
sudo nmap -sV -p 512,513,514
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-12-02 15:02 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.11s latency).
512/tcp open exec?
513/tcp open login?
514/tcp open tcpwrapped