sudo nmap -sS -n -Pn -p- –min-rate 5000 (fast everything)
nmap -sV -sC -A
nmap -sU
nmap -v -oG –
-sn icmp only ping type scan –disables port scanning
-PE ICMP echo request
By default, Nmap scans the top 1000 TCP ports with the SYN scan (-sS). This SYN scan is set only to default when we run it as root because of the socket permissions required to create raw TCP packets. Otherwise, the TCP scan (-sT) is performed by default. This means that if we do not define ports and scanning methods, these parameters are set automatically. We can define the ports one by one (-p 22,25,80,139,445), by range (-p 22-445), by top ports (–top-ports=10) from the Nmap database that have been signed as most frequent, by scanning all ports (-p-) but also by defining a fast port scan, which contains top 100 ports (-F).
xsltproc <nmap-output.xml>
-o <nmap-output.html>